for SKU.EP-KT200IIF+EP-KT200IIDG: [EU Ship] ECUHELP KT200 II ECU Programmer Full Version with Offline Dongle for Car Truck Motorbike Tractor Boat,R/W ECU Bench/OBD/BOOT/BDM /Jtag Mode
€819$835.38£679.77AU$1,326.78C$1,203.93€899$916.98£746.17AU$1,456.38C$1,321.539% off
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Q:Question:Bonjour, intéressé par votre produit. Voulais savoir la grille tarifaire pour les differente option payante (immobilier off... Answer this question
auto version:625euro+shipping fee full version 715euro +shipping full version with offline 769+shipping full version with offline and htprog clone adapter:949euro,free shipping
on December 26, 2023
auto version:625euro+shipping fee full version 715euro +shipping full version with offline 769+shipping full version with offline and htprog clone adapter:949euro,free shipping
Q:Question:NISAN QASHQAI 1.5 dci SID 305, Can KT200 read and write via obd? Answer this question
by kt200 it s ok.
By Sunny SmithSELLER
on December 25, 2023
0 votes
Q:Question:Will KT200 be able to read and write MK7 Transit 2013 2.2 with Continental ECU? Answer this question
Yes SID208 OBD or Boot mode.
By Sunny SmithSELLER
on December 25, 2023
0 votes
Q:Question:I have Kt200 with software 23.02.01. I have to change software? Answer this question
No need and can't... The new software is for new hardware kt200ll.
By Sunny SmithSELLER
on December 25, 2023
0 votes
Q:Question:Kt 200 faz leitura e escrita no scania S8 emd1 via OBD 2 Answer this question
on December 15, 2023
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Q:Question:I have problem with kt200ii offline... the software closes when trying to connect internet when try read ecu. Answer this question
Copy the file in the metal usb(To user ), ans paste it into the user folder of offline version in C disk.
By Sunny SmithSELLER
on December 13, 2023
0 votes
Q:Question:My full KT200II on/offline upgrade doesn't work in offline app doesn't open Answer this question
The server is not installed properly
on December 12, 2023
0 votes
Q:Question:I have KT200 basic functions and want KT200 II full and offline. Is possible ? How much ? Answer this question
yes,it is possible first upgrade you kt200 basic version to kt200 version+offline dongle: and then upgrade to kt200II: then you can get the kt200II hardware and offline dongle
on December 11, 2023
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Q:Question:I have questions about KT200II. I failed to read Simos 18.10 via obd. Is it because there is no file in the virtual reading? Answer this question
Hi, yes, please download ecuhelp 3.0.3 for VR files from
By Sunny SmithSELLER
on December 8, 2023
0 votes
Q:Question:Will the KT200 II have online updates? or will it be discontinued like the KT200 update ? Answer this question
kt200 is not discontinued. It still works the same. Kt200ll comes with upgraded hardware to solve some problems.
By Sunny SmithSELLER
on December 8, 2023
0 votes
Q:Question:Bonjour, Je viens de recevoir mon KT200II, une fois l'installation réalisée Impossible de lancer l'application Est ce que vous auriez une solution ? Merci d'avance de votre aide MG Answer this question
Q:Question:What are the benefits of me buying kt200? Does the unit do virtual reads? Answer this question
Kt200 does vr reads Got mine from Ecuhelpshop.
By Dannie
on December 2, 2023
0 votes
Q:Question:My KT200 read/write EDC17CP14 without problem on bench but I want to try to write it via OBD. Do I have to do something special for the OTP or just write it and the tool know what to do. Answer this question
2008-2009 you can read 2010+ you will click read and it will download the virtual read