How to Fix KT200 II Offline Software Closes when using?
Do you have the same confusion: I have problem with kt200ii offline... the software closes when trying to read ecu.
The solution is:
Go to “This PC” -> Disk C - KT200 Offline - User.
Meanwhile, go to “This PC” -> USB Drive (F:) -> To User, and select all folders to copy.
Paste the copied folders into “Disk C - KT200 Offline - User” to complete the transfer.
Situation 1:
If file is same size as the one on user folder... It's corrupted. Then, have to download KT200II offline from mega, I post the link here.
(It's 9.53gb, better have a mega VIP account for quick download).
Situation 2.
Kt200 II offline not work, after click.. On connect.
Programm close automatically, Online is ok.. Work. Offline not work
Answer: the reason is that these two folders are not copied to the user folder, and sometimes they still crash after being copied, then copy the folders to the online folder.
Be sure to install the online software first (one is to confirm that your device is the full version, and the other is to rule out computer problems). The online version can be opened, and the offline version can also be opened.
User Feedback:
1. Now KT200II Offline work!
But I need copy 2 folder
In Kt200-2 offline
And Kt200-2 online
2. For me kt200ii offline version only works good when i put the userfiles to the online user folder
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