ECUHELP HTprog software and its installation instructions, compatibility with various ECUs, and user feedback on performance. Discover tips, video demonstrations, and insights to enhance your experience with HTprog.
We appreciate your are interested in ECUHELP HTprog and value your feedback. Here are some important instructions and feedback regarding the software:
HTprog Feedback:
I try some med17 ecus and all reading.
I have HTprog to work together with KT200: edc17c45 ok
edc17c50 ok
edc17c49 ok
ALL BMW is tested ok
read and write tunning file except the second edc17c45, first was ok, but the second has write the file, no changes to the car, I tried 2 times with 2 difrent files, but the same results. i think is something with the checksum correction made by HT, i will try also with manual checksum.
BMW MSS60L is tested with no issues.
Here attach 3 images showingBMW MSS60L is testing ok with HTprog.
ECUHELP HTprog and KT200 test no issue for EDC17CP49 BMW X4 , 2016 Backup, read P-Flash, D-Flash and read Long ISN
Please watch the video demo on how to use HTprog to Clone EDC17CP49 BMW X4 , 2016:
EDC17CP45 read write via ECUHELP HTprog and KT200.
This is evidenced by uploading the video here:
Htprog sid803a boot Ok
Yep, but its my first read with htprog
At least it works
Med17.5.25 and med17.5.5 reading is slow but good.
HTprog is tested on simos 18.10 which i read successfully
HTprog: Work on win7 x64, win10x64 Tested
edc16 vag c2-mb r/w ok
edc17cp20, cp46 r/w ok
frm2 r/w ok
cas2,3 r/w ok
FRM3 repair is working with HTprog software.
Used ECUHELP HTprog to read edc17c60 for me, I do not make Tprot off on c60 using this. I simply connect and read / rewrite.
Attempt powering it from the box using a bench supply, I got issues, but it worked fine with the supplied power. And htprog connection differ one positive than kt200, so try both connections.
HTprog Clone Adapter + KT200 Read CAS3+ 0L15Y-15 100% OK.
To be Continued...
Thank you for providing us with your valuable feedback. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.