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IO-PROG for reading and writing OPEL / GM ECU BCM TCM EPS by OBD or on Bench,same as I/O Terminal Multi Tool and is a software and hardware solution designed for work with ECUs, transmissions, and BSI.
2 votes
Q:Question:bonjour comment obtenir les autres licences ? exemple: BSI psa ... Answer this question
yes,it can be upgraded to io prog psa version,only need to buy a encrypted board.(and you need to know how to weld) you can contact me by whatsapp to buy the board:http://wa.me/8618205996549
Q:Question:After reading MJD 6o2 Opel Astra 1.3 cdti by obd, I downloaded two files flash and injectors. After uploading flash file with stage and engine fault light is ON. Need to upload Injector file? What Answer this question
The injector file is a security for you once you have written your new file enter the injector codes with a diag, normally the injector file allows you to see the injector codes without you having to check in the engine.
Please have the adapter plugged into the computer before opening the software. also please run the software as an admin, or it won't open the software. Some users have tested IO on windows 10, 11, and 8 and works fine on all of them
Q:Question:hi i buy kt200, and it can;t do read ecu ME7.9.5 aygo by obd? in ecu list you write that it can r/w by obd so why it doesn;t working? Answer this question
hello, glad to hear from you. What year? What car?
Q:Question:I have io prog full,it worked 6month.Now multitool does not open anymore(online).When use the offline multitool it show me virus.When i use the offline tool i can not calc. seed.Is there a solution? Answer this question
use the offline software,pls turn off all the defender and antivus
Q:Question:I have a delco e98 that asking shadowpasword, what can i do to recover en let it works again Answer this question
you can calculate the seed key here:https://www.ecuhelp.com/index.php?m=&c=special_function&a=calc&email=2432054290%40qq.com&redirectData%5Bcode%5D=1&redirectData%5Bmsg%5D=%E7%99%BB%E9%99%86%E6%88%90%E5%8A%9F&nav_id=8&pid=7
on November 7, 2024
0 votes
Q:Question:I have IO prog basic for GM and I purchased the upgrade card for GM transmission modules. can you send me a video on welding in the new card? I purchased it from you on AliExpress, do I have to de-sol Answer this question
remove the old encrypted,and solder the new encrypted board